


Unable to register a new user with Wt::Auth Widget.

Added by Rathnadhar K V almost 3 years ago


I am using Wt::Auth module (only local support and no OAuth2 (Google, FaceBook modules)) in my code.

I am using latest MariaDB (Mysql) instead of sqllite3 as my persistence storage.

When I execute the program, when I "REGISTER" with a valid user name, after entering more than 4th character in Name Field, when I press tab key to enter the next password field, the widget resets and reverts back to login screen.

If try to navigate using mouse click (instead tab navigation) after entering the name, on clicking onto Password field again results in same reset behavior.

Due to which I am not able to register at all.

I am not seeing any exception or error message in the log.

I have attached the screen shot video to this request.

Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Rathnadhar KV (1.33 MB) Failed registration screen capture video

Replies (2)

RE: Unable to register a new user with Wt::Auth Widget. - Added by Rathnadhar K V almost 3 years ago

Please somebody help me to resolve this.

Rathnadhar K V

RE: Unable to register a new user with Wt::Auth Widget. - Added by Christian Meyer over 2 years ago


I don't know if you resolved this issue on your own yet, but it seems like the exact same Problem I encountered a few days ago...

I simply forgot to instantiate the UserDatabase Object within my Session

see my thread here:

Good luck =)
