


Load Javascript File as ECMA 6 Module

Added by lm at over 2 years ago

How should we load "Module" JS files? A few years ago, I had modified WApplication::require to take a std::string const & type = std::string () that, when "module" was passed, that type of javascript file could be loaded. Is this possible with Wt?

Replies (3)

RE: Load Javascript File as ECMA 6 Module - Added by lm at about 2 years ago

I created a change that allows loading ECMA 6 Module Javascript files:

You can see that it works here: is loaded using Wt::WApplication::require("js/gameplay.js", "module, "");.

RE: Load Javascript File as ECMA 6 Module - Added by Roel Standaert about 2 years ago

There's no feature like that in Wt yet, apart from putting the script tag in <head-matter> in your wt_config.xml.

That patch breaks backwards compatibility (adding an extra std::string argument between two existing string arguments), so we can't add support for it like that.

We may consider turning WApplication::ScriptLibrary into a public class to facilitate this, similar to how we aim to address adding the SameSite attribute to cookies in issue #7814.

RE: Load Javascript File as ECMA 6 Module - Added by Stefan Bn over 1 year ago

I stumpled across this situation in my project as well. I've created a feature request for this:
