

Stefan Bn

  • Login: Rayman
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  • Registered on: 12/28/2018
  • Last sign in: 03/19/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 0 1
Reported issues 9 13 22



10:35 PM Wt Improvements #13661 (New): Eliminate some deprecated warnings in Wt/Date when building with Clang 20.1
Current version of Clang 20.1 generates several deprecated warnings in `./include/Wt/Date/include/date/date.h` when c... Stefan Bn


10:30 AM Wt Bug #13362: WRegExpValidator causes massive delays when used with std::locale::global in UTF-8
Update: These errors exist also in current version Wt 4.11.3.
I did a little more research: Besides Wt, the base i...
Stefan Bn
09:59 AM Wt Bug #13554 (New): Resizable WBoxLayout causes browser window to freeze
This behavior started with version Wt 4.11.2 and is present in Wt 4.11.3. In earlier versions it was fine overall.
Stefan Bn


02:26 PM Wt Bug #13362: WRegExpValidator causes massive delays when used with std::locale::global in UTF-8
This is a follow-up. This issue remains with current version Wt 4.11.2 using Windows.
Also the `WPopupMenu::addIt...
Stefan Bn


11:26 PM Wt Bug #13362: WRegExpValidator causes massive delays when used with std::locale::global in UTF-8
Hi Matthias,
thanks for looking into this and happy new your to you too!
Before setting the locale the value of...
Stefan Bn


10:42 AM Wt Bug #13362 (Feedback): WRegExpValidator causes massive delays when used with std::locale::global in UTF-8
If the global C++ locale is set to a UTF-8 mode
then `WRegEx...
Stefan Bn


12:14 PM Wt Support #13173 (Resolved): Add MIME Type *.mjs / JavaScript module
Please add extension `*.mjs` to MIME types being served as `text/javascript`.
The lack of this MIME type currently...
Stefan Bn


11:18 AM Wt Help: RE: Dbo::FormModel & Dbo::FormView - How to change the database item?
Thanks for the clarification Matthias!
> It is very true that the Dbo::FormModel is a wrapper around a Dbo object,...
Stefan Bn


12:32 PM Wt Open discussion: RE: How to get a Wt web app into Android/iOs App Stores?
> Could you give me a high level overview on how you approach this?
> Are you retrieving DOM IDs and then sending th...
Stefan Bn
10:16 AM Wt Open discussion: RE: How to get a Wt web app into Android/iOs App Stores?
Thank you Matthias, I do understand and appreciate your statement!
The question about going to app stores wasn't s...
Stefan Bn

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