How to get a container's height whenever the browser window is resized
I would like to track the height of a WContainerWidget. I need a way to get the height of the widget whenever the browser is resized. Does anyone know how I may do this?
Kind regards,
Replies (3)
RE: How to get a container's height whenever the browser window is resized - Added by Wim Dumon 7 months ago
Wt supports this in combination with layout managers. See documentation of WWidget::setLayoutSizeAware() and layoutSizeChanged().
RE: How to get a container's height whenever the browser window is resized - Added by Ola A 7 months ago
Thanks, Wim.
I will take a look at that.
RE: How to get a container's height whenever the browser window is resized - Added by Mark Travis 7 months ago
If you are using the "old school" layout patterns, those will work.
However, if you are using Bootstrap 5 and templates, that won't work. Here's how I solved it based on a couple of posts from a few years ago.
screenSignal = std::make_unique<Wt::JSignal<std::string, std::string>>(this, "screenSignal");
std::initializer_list<std::string> jsList = {"width", "height"};
screenSignal->connect(this, &YourModule::getScreenSize);
screenSignalJavaScript = "var width = window.innerWidth"
"|| document.documentElement.clientWidth"
"|| document.body.clientWidth;"
"var height = window.innerHeight"
"|| document.documentElement.clientHeight"
"|| document.body.clientHeight;" +
When doJavaScript is executed, it will call back your 'getScreenSize' method with a (std::string, std::string) signature.
Unfortunately, this only works the first time you run doJavaScript, which I do in the initializer. I haven't spent any time yet figuring out how to propogate a resize signal from the browser, but my future clients aren't likely to resize the screen where I needed this once they get there.
The signal and callback MUST be defined before doJavaScript.