Support #1091
closedWt not working totally
Hi, I have already installed Wt on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
At the moment I run the examples I found out they´re not working totally.
Particularly I´m interested on the Widgetgallery/WGoogleMap example, it shows the map, but it doesn´t show the controls.
Could you please help me?
Updated by Wim Dumon over 13 years ago
The strings between double question marks are missing translated resources - they are contained in xml files in the example's source directory. It is important to execute the examples from within their source directories, in order for them to find all the required files to run.
So to execute a (hypothetical) example that is called 'gallery':
cd wt-3.2.0/examples/gallery
../../build/examples/gallery/gallery.wt --docroot=. --http-address= --http-port=8080
Updated by Julio Bahena over 13 years ago
I executed the examples from the source directory as you told me and they worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot.