Bug #13075
openLarge popup menus go off screen at the top
If a popup menu (e.g. a context menu on some UI element) is large enough but not larger than the available total space (usually the window height), it can be placed in such a way that its top goes off screen.
"Large enough" in this case means that the menu is too large to be displayed "hanging" off the mouse cursor without cutting off its bottom, yet also too large to be shown above the current cursor position. The current algorithm only checks for the former case.
I created a PR on github (https://github.com/emweb/wt/pull/220) to fix this issue; it is currently based on 4.10.4, but could easily be rebased to 4.11.0.
Updated by Stephan Ehlers 4 months ago
To add some numbers to the example:
Imagine a context menu that is 51% as tall as the screen, and you want to open it exactly at the center of the screen. It will be displayed above the cursor, since there is not enough space below it. But then the top 1% of the menu will be cut off.
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 4 months ago
- Target version set to 4.11.1
Thank you for the submission Stephan.
I will soon review the implementation and test it, to see if I can find any edge cases to it.
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 3 months ago
- Target version changed from 4.11.1 to 4.11.3