

Stephan Ehlers

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  • Registered on: 10/02/2024
  • Last sign in: 01/10/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 0 1
Reported issues 2 0 2



03:19 PM Wt Bug #13408 (New): WSortFilterProxyModel sends wrong information about inserted rows
If rows to a model are inserted via a WSortFilterProxyModel (i.e. a call to `WSortFilterProxyModel::insertRows()`), w... Stephan Ehlers


07:27 AM Wt Bug #13075: Large popup menus go off screen at the top
To add some numbers to the example:
Imagine a context menu that is 51% as tall as the screen, and you want to open i...
Stephan Ehlers
07:23 AM Wt Bug #13075 (Implemented @Emweb): Large popup menus go off screen at the top
If a popup menu (e.g. a context menu on some UI element) is large enough but not larger than the available total spac... Stephan Ehlers

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