Feature #13183
openc++20 co-routines with boost::asio and boost::cobalt
Would it be possible to add the support for c++20 co-routines (via preprocessor macro, like WT_USE_CPP20_COROUTIES)?
Wt is already using boost::asio, so this could be utilized to provide this functionality.
boost::cobalt gives a nice functionality on top of the boost::asio.
Providing co-routines would greatly simplify the applications heavily depending on external resources that must be loaded on a separate thread and then continuation callbacks must be posted on the WebSession thread.
Kind regards,
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 4 months ago
- Target version set to future
Hey max,
I generally like the idea, but the support for coroutines isn't yet complete on all platforms/compilers. I will schedule this for the future, as I do think this is really worth a second look soon!
Updated by max p 3 months ago
Matthias Van Ceulebroeck wrote in #note-1:
Hey max,
I generally like the idea, but the support for coroutines isn't yet complete on all platforms/compilers. I will schedule this for the future, as I do think this is really worth a second look soon!
That's great!
The limitations of platforms and compilers that do not support coroutines can be mitigated by disabling it by default and enabling only when WT_USE_CPP20_COROUTIES is defined.
That was my original idea, that coroutines are enabled on request and not by default.
Nevertheless, can't wait to see it in Wt :)