



Bug #1731


Utils.C newer than Utils,which makes gmake try to rebuild Utils from Utils.C during the compilation of my own code

Added by 太极美术工程狮 狮长 about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

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I'm developing a website using wt3.2.3.

In my code , I used the Wt::Utils::md5 method.

The first time I added the Utils header into my code , it compiled successfully.

Then , I modified some other code in my project. And compiled my project the second time. This time , make gave the following command , trying to compile Utils from Utils.C :

g /usr/include/Wt/Utils.C -o /usr/include/Wt/Utils (sorry I didn't copy the original output).

Which failed . Because Utils.C included DomElement.h , which lies in wt's src directory but not installed into /usr/include . Well , that's not the problem.

I think that Utils.C is compiled when I was installing wt itself. And not need to be compiled any more later.

Then why it got compiled again? I found that the modified time of Utils.C is 2012.10.12.21:56 , but the modified time of Utils is 2012.8.10.18:43 . So Utils.C is newer , and gmake tried to compile it again.

After "touch"ing Utils manually. The problem is gone.

So why is Utils older than Utils.C ? Is that a bug of wt's cmake script or something else ?

Actions #1

Updated by 太极美术工程狮 狮长 about 12 years ago

And I think Utils.C should not be installed into /usr/include/Wt.

I mean , this file should not be installed at all.

Actions #2

Updated by 太极美术工程狮 狮长 about 12 years ago

Ah, I got it.

Utils.C is not a dependency of Utils at all. They are just the cpp file with it's header file.

But I use qmake as the project manager,which generated the dependency by file name automatically.It tried to compile Utils.C as the target Utils.

Anyhow , I think Utils.C should not be installed during the installation step of wt .

Actions #3

Updated by Koen Deforche about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to Koen Deforche
  • Target version set to 3.3.0


We've updated the cmake files to not erroneously install Utils.C



Actions #4

Updated by Koen Deforche about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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