Bug #3786
openWt: fatal error: error executing prepared statement Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Dbo::FixedSqlConnectionPool *pool = new Dbo::FixedSqlConnectionPool( new Dbo::backend::MySQL( "db", "login, "pass\" ) );
Dbo::Session session_;
session_.setConnectionPool( *pool ) ;
All works fine, but after some time, I get an error:
"Wt: fatal error: error executing prepared statement Lost connection to MySQL server during query"
How can I check that the connection is active?
or how to make it automatically re-created?
thx =)
Updated by Wim Dumon about 10 years ago
Hello Drus,
As far as I know, we do configure mysql to reconnect automatically whenever the connection is lost.
How long is 'some time'?
Updated by Drus Kor about 10 years ago
Hello. Yes, in source code "reconnect automatically" is on, I checked.
just restart Mysql, ore reset connections. It is the fastest way.
In my case connections lost by timeout;
static Dbo::FixedSqlConnectionPool pool( new Dbo::backend::MySQL( "db_test", "witty_user", "pass" , 10 );
// constructor section
session_.setConnectionPool( pool ) ;
Some additional:
Ubuntu 14.04.1
Mysql 5.5.41
Wt 3.3.3
Updated by Drus Kor about 10 years ago
Updated by Wim Dumon about 10 years ago
Does this solution work for you:
Updated by Drus Kor about 10 years ago
No, it does not always work.
It can lead to long delays ( performance )
I tried to write a handler of disconnection. But it seems that you are using exceptions to handle logic inside the library.
I attached the file, where I tried to implement error handling logic.
later continue working on it. maybe my decision will be useful.
Updated by Koen Deforche about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to InProgress
- Assignee set to Wim Dumon
- Target version set to 3.3.4