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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13670 Wt Bug New Normal Verify FlexLayoutImpl::setSpacing 03/25/2025 10:08 AM Actions
13669 Wt Bug New Normal Allow setObjectName() to apply to layouts 03/25/2025 10:02 AM Actions
13661 Wt Improvements New Normal Eliminate some deprecated warnings in Wt/Date when building with Clang 20.1 03/19/2025 10:35 PM Actions
13654 Wt Bug New Normal JS error when adding submenu to a WMenu bound to a removed WTemplate variable 03/17/2025 04:15 PM Actions
13649 JWt Bug InProgress Normal Correct bootstrap style request Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 03/13/2025 05:29 PM Actions
13648 JWt Bug Review Normal Boot styling content type missing 03/13/2025 04:56 PM Actions
13640 Wt Bug New Normal Icons not properly aligned in popup menu 03/13/2025 08:03 AM Actions
13631 Wt Bug Implemented @Test Normal Add "Back/Logout" button to the Bootstrap 3 template Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 03/24/2025 04:48 PM Actions
13630 Wt Improvements Implemented @Test Normal Make TotpProcess part of the public API Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 03/24/2025 04:48 PM Actions
13626 Wt Bug Implemented @Test Normal AuthWidget::processEnvironment doesn't process MFA tokens Marnik Roosen 03/24/2025 04:48 PM Actions
13623 Wt Bug New Normal Javascript executing twice on application startup 03/06/2025 12:26 PM Actions
13621 Wt Improvements Implemented @Test Normal Wt::Auth::Mfa::TotpQrCode needs WT_API Marnik Roosen 03/11/2025 10:53 AM Actions
13602 Wt Bug New Normal Missing CSS style for WSuggestionPopup 03/03/2025 11:50 AM Actions
13601 Wt Improvements New Normal Update Font-Awesome to v4.7.0 03/03/2025 11:24 AM Actions
13600 Wt Bug Review Normal CSP violation with WMenuItem Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 03/24/2025 11:34 AM Actions
13585 Wt Bug Implemented @Test Normal Segfault on internal path navigation with submenus Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 03/24/2025 04:48 PM Actions
13575 Wt Bug New Normal The value assigned to the text-align property is the opposite Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 02/25/2025 04:21 PM Actions
13574 Wt Improvements New Normal checkbox in WTableView header is not exactly in the center 02/25/2025 02:55 PM Actions
13572 Wt Bug New High The value assigned to the float property is the opposite Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 02/24/2025 08:38 PM Actions
13569 Wt Bug New Normal Verify and test setThemeStyleEnabled() 02/24/2025 04:26 PM Actions
13568 Wt Bug Implemented @Emweb Normal Bot agents can recursively call main page Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 03/24/2025 12:52 PM Actions
13567 Wt Bug Implemented @Test Normal Dedicated session asio read edge-case Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 03/11/2025 10:53 AM Actions
13563 Wt Feature New Normal Using document orientation as default orientation for layout managers 02/22/2025 04:44 PM Actions
13562 Wt Bug New High WHBoxLayout orientation conflicts with document orientation 02/22/2025 03:31 PM Actions
13554 Wt Bug New Normal Resizable WBoxLayout causes browser window to freeze 02/21/2025 09:59 AM Actions
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