



Feature #3175


Mirror pages into PDFs

Added by Anonymous almost 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

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This feature request is in reference to the following issue:

It would be super awesome if there was support to print a page into the PDF exactly how it appears in the browser, buttons, legends, images and all. This is mainly because WT supports many themes and style sheets that would look beautiful in a PDF for things like tables and graphs.

If this is too broad, then perhaps just add it for things like WTable, and other classes that display large amounts of organized data? Themes and style sheets can make the default WTables look amazing, and to place that into a PDF would look super nice.

Actions #1

Updated by Koen Deforche almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback


Supporting all of CSS3 (which would be needed to correctly interpret the bootstrap theme) is a lot of work, which we are not prepared to do yet.

With respect to tables, that is actually a typical use-case, and that could be doable, including support for alternating row colors, etc...

So I would suggest we narrow down the scope of this feature to WTable in combination with the Twitter Bootstrap theme?



Actions #2

Updated by Josh Lampco over 10 years ago

Koen Deforche wrote:


Supporting all of CSS3 (which would be needed to correctly interpret the bootstrap theme) is a lot of work, which we are not prepared to do yet.

With respect to tables, that is actually a typical use-case, and that could be doable, including support for alternating row colors, etc...

So I would suggest we narrow down the scope of this feature to WTable in combination with the Twitter Bootstrap theme?



I agree, I think this would be a great feature for PDF export.

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago

Josh Lamkins wrote:

Koen Deforche wrote:

> Hey,


> Supporting all of CSS3 (which would be needed to correctly interpret the bootstrap theme) is a lot of work, which we are not prepared to do yet.


> With respect to tables, that is actually a typical use-case, and that could be doable, including support for alternating row colors, etc...


> So I would suggest we narrow down the scope of this feature to WTable in combination with the Twitter Bootstrap theme?


> Regards,

> koen

I agree, I think this would be a great feature for PDF export.

Thanks for considering the addition of extra styling capability for the WTables during PDF exports! Will it be only limited to the Twitter Bootstrap Theme or will there be functionality to specify any theme?

Actions #4

Updated by Wim Dumon over 10 years ago

Hey Dennis,

A priory styling is done by CSS. The PDF renderer does not support all CSS, but we would like to extend it so that it supports the CSS subset used by twitter bootstrap. Other themes may thus work or not, depending on what CSS they uses.

Best regards,


Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous over 10 years ago

Wim Dumon wrote:

Hey Dennis,

A priory styling is done by CSS. The PDF renderer does not support all CSS, but we would like to extend it so that it supports the CSS subset used by twitter bootstrap. Other themes may thus work or not, depending on what CSS they uses.

Best regards,


Cool, can't wait for the next update ()_()


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